Trumpeter-composer, Terell Stafford brings his top flight quintet to the Lincoln Theatre for one performance only Thursday, April 12th, presented by the Jazz Arts Group in collaboration with the King Arts Complex.
Stafford is renowned in the jazz world, and has garnered numerous award nominations and accolades for his work as an outstanding performer, educator and leader. Stafford is Director of Instrumental and Jazz Studies at Temple University, the founder and band leader of the Terell Stafford Quintet, a member of the world famous Vanguard Jazz Orchestra, and is Managing and Artistic Director of the Jazz Orchestra of Philadelphia (JOP).
“Terell Stafford plays the trumpet with remarkable technique, a great sense of melody and swing, and a lot of heart.” –All About Jazz
Tickets on sale now at the CBUSArts Ticket Center (39 East State Street, Columbus), by phone at (614) 469-0939 or at