Jazz Arts Group Board of Directors

Michael Peddicord, President
Community Volunteer | Retired

Gil Gradisar, Past President
Attorney | The Behal Law Group

Steve Driver, Treasurer
Partner | Crowe LLP

Tom Huesman, Secretary
Strategic Source Analyst | AEP

Natalie Adams
VP, Strategic Sourcing, National Brands | Cardinal Health

Tony Anderson
Assistant Principal | Fort Hayes Metropolitan Education Center

Jocelyn Armstrong
Director of Inclusion & Outreach | Ohio State Bar Association

Alessandro Ciaffoncini
President | Origo Branding Company

Katy Coy
Chief Executive Officer | Jazz Arts Group

Dalena Cupp
Human Resource Business Partner | EIS Group Inc.

Kevin Flanigan
Director, Center for Gene Therapy | Nationwide Children’s Hospital

Mark Hatcher
Partner | BakerHostetler

Dennis Kovach
Deputy Fire Marshal & Chief Plans Examiner | Monroe County Fire Department

Robert E. Lee III
Franchise Partner | Donatos

Therese McCann
Self Employed | Black Purse

Sandy Meizlish
Senior Partner | Barkan Meizlish LLP

Pete Mills
Faculty | Denison University | Columbus Jazz Orchestra

Doug Pittsenbarger
Music Educator | Retired

Kyle Welch
VP, Sales Strategy & Operations | Grange Insurance

Jazz Arts Group Staff

Katy Coy
Chief Executive Officer
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Byron Stripling
Columbus Jazz Orchestra Artistic Director

Alex Burgoyne
Director of Production
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Zach Compston
VP of Education & Community Engagement
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Savannah Gonsoulin 
Education & Outreach Coordinator
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Kelly Hebblethwaite Johnson
VP of Development
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Sydney Kimble
Development Manager

Carlee Kime-Law
Production Coordinator

Troy Meister
Education Program Assistant
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Pete Mills
Artistic Director, Jazz at the Lincoln

Kendal Smith
Director of Marketing & Communication
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