Anna & the Consequences are vintage jazzy torch blues.

Anna & the Consequences

The trio features sultry songstress Anna Paolucci, Dan Sagraves lends his hipster edge and slaphappy fingers on vocals and upright bass, then add Rick Soriano to the musical mix with his unique multitasking performance on drums and keyboards at the same time, and WOW!

Sexy, sultry, swingin’ and fun!

The song list spans popular music from over 100 years including jazz, pop, and blues. Including Tin Pan Alley, the Great American Songbook, Vintage Gritty Blues, and even modern songs from the last decade with a twist. Plus a few saucy originals.You may hear music from anytime in the 20th century.Picture a New York cabaret in 1947. Full menu, big wooden bar. Fabulous dresses, smart suits and polished shoes, hats and gloves.Full band, including horns round out the sound on occasion.

Anna & the Consequences…
because there always are!